高校卒業後フランスに渡り、4年 の留学中、全仏コンクールでも各部門で3度 第1位を獲得する。フランス帰国後全国でコンサート活動を中心に、舞台や演劇などの音楽制作を行う。 フランスや北欧のダンス音楽など多くのレパートリーを持つが、特にオリジナル曲のファンが多く、CMディレクター、写真家、演出家など多くの制作関係者からの使用依頼が多い。
ローランドから発売された V-accordion FR-1のイメージアーティストとしてイタリアでプロモーション映像を撮影し、紹介されている。
Kanako Kato, a chromatic accordion player was born in Osaka, Japan.
She started playing accordion when she was 4 years old and became a winner of Japan Junior Accordion Contest 2 times.
At the age of 17, she won the overall title on Japan Accordion Contest.She has been attracting public attention since she was a child.
After graduating high school, she learned accordion in French for 4 years and won thechampionship of French Accordion Contest 3 times.
After returning Japan, Kanako actively performs at concert and produces music for musicals and theaters.
Her original composed tunes have many fans and are asked for using by commercial director, photographer, directors and producers.
She is a poster artist of V-accordion FR-1 of Roland.The promotional movie filmed in Italy is introduced widely.
She's good at playing French style, but the meeting with Nordic music attracted Kanako.
She has collaborated with many Nordic artists such as SWÅP (Sweden/England),Johanna Juhola(Finland), Pauliina Lerche(Finland), Petter Berndalen(Sweden),
Storm Weather Shanty Choir(Norway).
On her second album, she recorded "Sommarvals" with Ale Möller, which is one of the mostfamous tunes of Ale himself.
These years she performs often with Göran Månsson, Swedish flute player and gives many concerts with him. She is a leader of a trio "kolmikko", playing Finnish tango.